Nothing Shaped the Worldview of Civilization more than the Repression of the Perversion of the Enslavement of other Living Beings

Nothing else shaped the collective worldview of civilization more than efforts to repress the perversion of the subjugation and enslavement of other living beings. Whether religions, philosophies, or today’s mass media, the mechanisms of repression and reinterpretation of one’s own unnaturalness always formed the pivotal point. It was, therefore, no coincidence that right on the very first pages of the Old Testament and the Bible it was written several times that an almighty God had instructed man to subdue the earth and to rule over all animals. Likewise, it was no coincidence that the core of the philosophical “Enlightenment” in modern Europe was that only man could be in a state of freedom because this required special reason as a basis, which was supposedly inherent only in him. And it is finally also no coincidence that today’s mass media fade out the now-escalated perversion of intensive livestock farming, portraying nature as cruelly as possible, while showing the actions of humans to be good and noble, for example, with pictures of “cute” animals in the protective care of man. Through this highly psychopathic complex, large parts of the collective mind of civilization had already disconnected from reality for centuries, millennia even. And in the present time, symptoms of a complete demolition, as well as of the final stage of the collective psychosis, can be recognized.
The consequences of the disconnection from reality are like those of a full throttle drive with a closed field of vision
The current consequences of efforts to repress the unnaturalness of the enslavement of other living beings can be compared with the situation of a fully occupied bus whose driver, under prompting applause of the passengers, pulls the sun visor completely down so that he no longer sees where he is going and who, at the same time, presses the accelerator pedal with full power. He and the passengers thus shut themselves off from reality while accelerating towards the resulting doom. In the short distance covered before the bus crashes somewhere, it cuts a swath of destruction.
In this metaphor, the driver corresponds to the sum of all persons who in some way actively participate in shaping the worldview and thus also the behavior of mankind. However, these persons are by no means to be regarded as pure manipulators who lead an innocent mass of people into the abyss. But, in the main, it was and is this mass of people itself which has demanded and still demands the products of the designers of the artificial world picture. Anyone who meets this demand well, whether as an author of religious or philosophical writings, as another book author or as editor-in-chief of a magazine, behaves popularly and is rewarded with attention and clientele.
The masses want to hear something by which the subconsciously perceived antagonism of the enslavement of other forms of life remains displaced from the surface of consciousness. The scheme corresponds to that of the attempt to reduce tension in the case of cognitive dissonance – and one so severe that a psychosis destroying one’s own viability has formed.
All religions served to elevate the human being so high that the perversion of enslavement was no longer recognizable as such
All successful religious foundations consisted of making man so special that his perversion, in regards to the enslavement of other living beings, didn’t have to be realized anymore. This worked in many different ways, which often need a closer look to see the mechanism behind it. In Christianity, recognizing this is very simple. On the very first pages, an almighty God is asserted who first created the world and then man in his own image and who, finally, expressly gave up to him to subdue the earth and to rule over all other animals. This is how it is written in Genesis of the first book Moses of the Old Testament and thus on the very first pages of the Bible.
On these first three pages of probably the most read text of the entire history of civilization, the extreme self-exaltation and alleged command of God are even carried out several times in a row, which makes the central aspiration unquestionable. The many other stories, metaphors and wisdoms collected in the following parts of the Bible – which are often very useful and, for example, helpful for social togetherness – did not play so large a role any more. This is because the first pages of a book are always read the most. Above all, however, the function of this very first chapter is clear and very easy to recognize, to set a firm framework for the big worldview to be adopted, while everything else takes place within this framework.
So, the recipe of the most successful bestseller in the history of civilization is easy to see through. It consisted of the extreme self-exaltation of man with simultaneous legitimation of his unnaturalness in the enslavement of the other living beings. Therefore, no external pressure was needed to convince people to accept it. If one imagines a high-ranking Roman of the first centuries of the current calculation of time, who lolls there with his glass of wine in his hand, on the couch, and reads for the first time the beginning of this great story, then it becomes clear why he jumps on it briskly and why this religion basis spread so successfully.
The immense rage that built up later against so-called witches, if they questioned this great story, or worshipped nature and sullied the invented divine specialness of man, can also be understood. In retrospect, it was almost logical that hysterical mobs formed, which ended with such violence.
With these older mechanisms of the religion, parts of a psychotic process are clearly recognizable, in the context of which man fled away from reality into an artificially built reality over thousands of years.
The European philosophers of the alleged “Modern Enlightenment” were like relay runners as successors of religion
When the technologies of book printing, from the sixteenth century onwards in mighty Europe, ensured that the rather simplistic story on the first pages of the Bible came under the scrutiny and pressure of developing scientific knowledge, the collective demanded a stable substitute. And this task now fell to the philosophers.
It is, therefore, no coincidence that those representatives of the guild, who were particularly eager to elevate humans and degrade other living beings, had the most success, particularly those who managed to dress up the former story of the divine command to subjugate and dominate other living beings into a concept that could withstand the pressure of increasing scientific knowledge.
That is why freedom became the pivot of all work of the philosophers – in the form of the creation of the most conclusive explanations possible, according to which only man could really be in the state of freedom, but not other living beings. The famous philosopher Johann Gottlieb Fichte (1762-1814) once recognized this himself indirectly and wrote that the entire European philosophy had been “nothing else” than an “analysis of the concept of freedom.”
It would have been more fitting, however, not to speak of an “analysis,” but of a “bending” or a “twisting,” as the philosophers of the “Enlightenment” were, indeed, for the most part of their efforts, always concerned with using the tool of words to invent and construct concepts that seemed as credible as possible, according to which only man can be in a state of freedom, while all other living beings cannot.
One of the first superstars of the philosophical “Enlightenment” of that time was René Descartes, born on March 31, 1596. He was something like the first popular relay runner to take over the former task of the Christian religion. His career was even boosted by a high-ranking and influential representative of the Catholic Church, namely Cardinal Pierre de Bérulle, after he had presented his concepts to him.
Descartes was a real psychopath in several respects from the outset and was, therefore, ideally suited for designing a new psychopathic worldview that was now needed for the repression of the perversion. Among his explanations, which quickly became popular, was, for example, that other animals, completely unlike humans, had no real sensations. And he “proved” this, for example, by tying up various animals in front of an audience, then slowly dissecting them and claiming that their screams were exactly the same as the squeaking of an unoiled machine. With the machine comparison, the question about the freedom of non-human living beings became obsolete. A machine cannot be free.
The invented exclusive reason of man had exactly the same functions as the invented command of God
Descartes also brought into focus the concept of an alleged exclusive reason of man as a crucial precondition of freedom. This was not new, its roots going back to philosophical schools of the Ancient Greeks some 3,000 years ago. Nevertheless, it was the German philosopher Immanuel Kant, born on April 22, 1724, who made this idea so popular that it has practically endured to the present day. Even today, many people assume that it is somehow “proven” that only humans have a real and special “reason,” while other animals are instinct-driven in their actions, and that exactly this exclusivity can be the only real basis of freedom.
None of these people is able to explain the concept of exclusive reason properly. Many confuse the issue, like Kant, whose writings contain so many mental air knots that they are not completely understandable. There was never and is no current empirical evidence for “exclusive reason.” The whole concept was obviously just as much a free invention as the religious story of Genesis at the beginning of the Bible, and the purpose was exactly the same: to repress the perception of one’s own perversions running contrary to the natural regularities by self-exaltation and legitimation of the enslavement of other living beings.
Incidentally, it is empirically well established that virtually all human actions, reactions and sensations, whether running, laughter, anger or joy, are no less fundamentally based on innate schemas than are those of all other animals. Genuine reason in the logical sense of the word can be nothing more than the cognitive production of the best possible decisions and actions for sustainable existence. And for this, today’s man proves by the destruction of his own bases of life that he obviously has only relatively weakly developed reason, despite the highly developed ability of abstraction by his large “hard disk” of the neocortex.
Today’s mass media outlets are the most important successors of the earlier repression service providers
The concepts of the former service providers of repression, so the religions and philosophies, still largely determine the collective worldview of mankind in the present. In the meantime, however, the situation has changed in two respects: On the one hand, the object of repression has become more severe, especially due to the escalations of industrial factory farming since the second half of the twentieth century. In the face of this extreme perversion, even very devout followers of the respective philosophical or religious constructs realize that such can no longer function to cover it. The degree of perversion has simply become too high to be halfway credibly legitimized by invented gods or fantasies of exclusive reason. And secondly – like relay runners again – mass media comes into play as the main service provider of collective repression.
In order to identify the current mechanisms and symptoms surrounding these new service providers, those of the largest and most popular mass media with presences on the Internet are particularly suitable. Since they depend on visitor numbers, they observe user behavior with fine analytical tools and practically automatically – and largely unconsciously – align their offerings in such a way that the overall product can be used like a mirror image of the collective mind of civilization. The audience virtually determines the content of this media through its usage behavior and continuously adjusts it.
What the audience finds unpleasant cannot be dealt with on these platforms, or only in the smallest possible dosage, because, otherwise, the medium would lose its economic basis. So if, for example, the general news sites of the internet were to publish reports and pictures of what is happening in industrial factory farming, from which almost all the animal parts of the audience’s food comes, with the correct proportional frequency on a daily basis, the user numbers would rapidly collapse.
For this reason, corresponding reports remain fairly evenly within a range of a few per mille of the total coverage. These are practically carefully dosed “alibi reports,” in order not to become conspicuous by the fact that the topic is completely and totally blanked out. Those alibi contributions usually appear only briefly on the front page in order to keep the damage as low as possible.
This blanking out of the escalated perversion in factory farming is, in itself, an important symptom of repression, because with it the media cuts away a huge part of reality. Currently, more than 60 percent of the planet’s terrestrial vertebrate biomass is in captivity, the majority in factory farming. Another 30 percent is formed by humans themselves and only a few percent by free-living terrestrial vertebrates (x).
Other lifeforms, including other animals, are almost completely faded out in the current mass media
A main symptom of the current repression mechanisms consists in an increasingly narrowed rotation of mankind around itself. This goes so far that the leading mass media outlets often reduce their themes to human issues and almost completely fade out not only factory farming but all other lifeforms. That this is not – as most of today’s people would probably spontaneously assume – a logical matter of course becomes apparent in the fact that the rock and cave paintings of the people before the “Neolithic Revolution” were exactly the other way around, dominated by other living beings, and only to a relatively smaller proportion, people themselves were thematized for tens of thousands of years on all continents.
The following results of a tally of all linked articles on the front pages of two leading US news websites, here CNN ( and Fox News (, is typical for most of today’s mass media in industrial countries. Date of counting was 11 January 2021, 14:00 CET. Method: All articles linked on the start page were counted (a); and within all articles, a tally was made of those thematically involved with other animals (b); and those with other animals held captive as livestock were counted (c):
CNN (a / b / c): 102 / 0 / 0
Fox News (a / b / c): 199 / 4 / 0
As of 11.January 14:00 CET a) total number article links b) other animals c) Live stock
The four matches on Fox News:
1 Florida kids help rescue bald eagle found with fishing hook piercing its beak
2 Fisherman catches 507-pound blue marlin backward off Hawaii
3 Maryland angler sets state’s first record for invasive flathead catfish
4 West Virginia announces 1st wild boar hunting lottery
The repression symptom of the narrow rotation around oneself leads so far that the term “world” is used only for mankind
The narrowed rotation of today’s mankind around itself is also visible in the fact that even the term “world” is mostly no longer used – as it would be logically correct – for the totality of reality, but exclusively for human civilization. The medium in question thus writes in the headlines, for example: “The world looks to New York” or “The world’s hunger for raw materials” and, thus, reduces the world to the system of human civilization. This indirect symptom of the repression complex is shown in the following examples:
(Note: These and other symptoms shown here can be found in most leading mass media platforms across all political orientations. The selection of examples here, therefore, does not mean that the symptoms are particularly common in the respective media.)
Media Example 1 (The New York Times)

Media Example 2 (CNN)

Transferred to an individual with a related psychological illness, they would be completely existing alone in their own mental world with the ability to successfully exist within reality largely reduced. The individual is, thus, incapable of generating suitable decisions and actions necessary for survival on its own. And the further this inward turning progresses, the more the ability to survive is reduced – until the person concerned cannot exist at all by itself and dies if there are no caretakers.
Denigration of the real world for repression and compensating one’s own unnaturalness and cruelty
Another symptom of repression caused by the current mass media, which, by the way, according to earlier media, was much less pronounced in the past centuries and millennia than today, is the concentrated denigration of nature and thus of non-human reality. The effects of this complex repression are so strong today and distort the worldview of people further than ever before.
One of the methods of this denigration of nature is to make non-human reality appear as cruel as possible. For this purpose, cinematic and photographic death scenes in nature are often used that are taken out of the context of real time. An older television viewer of the past decades, for example, will have seen scenes of gazelles being hunted and ripped apart by lions so often that he subconsciously assumes that the existence of gazelles in Africa essentially consists of being hunted and ripped apart by lions.
In the present, similar effects are created in the leading mass media platforms of the internet through photographs and accompanying written extensions. The concept is to artificially take the moments of dying out of the time context, conserve it in pictures and present it as proof of the cruelty of nature. Following some examples again.
Example 3 (The Sun / GB):

Media Example 4 (Mirror / GB):

The fact that the photography shows a scene that, in reality, made up only a tiny fraction of a former-free lifespan of the prey is virtually cancelled out by photography. A person who needs a higher dose of distraction from his own perverse effect on animals in lifelong captivity can now view this abstracted scene practically indefinitely – an almost perfect tool for repression.
So, with these media products, the audience receives relief because it is superficially distracted from its own perverse action towards “farm animals,” deprived of their freedom for life and languishing from birth to death in windowless halls with no freedom, without ever experiencing a green blade of grass. With the fading out of this extreme perversion (as shown above), simultaneously passing the buck of cruelty to non-human nature, mass media provides the exact psychological repression service that the audience is requesting unconsciously. And the people will thank them for this repression service with ongoing use.
As a supplement of the denigration of nature, man shows up as a strong and brave savior of other living beings
Another important symptom of repression recognizable in current mass media is the moral elevation of mankind, through concentrated and almost always illustrated reports about the brave rescue and protection of individuals of other animal species. Mostly photographic pictures are used, often showing strong, brave men involved in the rescue, like fire fighters, policemen or militaries.
Media Example 5 (Fox News)

Media Example 6 (CNN)

The accompanying texts often contain phrases such as “The fire fighters had to come to get the ducks safely across the road.” The term “had to” reinforces the effect that is soothing to the audience, because the “good” and morally high-ranking, strong men see it as their altruistic, self-evident duty to help the other animals.
That it is exactly the other way around in the reality, that humans deliver a billionfold perverted, historically completely unprecedented, lifelong hell of earth for the majority of other vertebrates with industrial husbandry, is painted away with that repression tactic. If a reader forum is offered under the article, then euphoric expressions of gratitude are very often found there, such as: “Thank you, thank you very much, this is such good news.” That is because the user of the media is – mainly unconsciously, but still painfully – aware that, in reality, he or she is part of the greatest perversion und cruelty that has ever existed on earth.
The repression symptom of moral elevation through care and belittlement
Besides pure rescue stories, a closely related symptom within the psychotic repression complex is the combination of the rescue with visible caring and belittlement. Mainly, photographs or film clips are again the focus, while texts serve only as a supplement. In most cases, animals are shown who fulfill the so-called child schema, because in this way the caring instinct, and consequently the relief effects, can be particularly strongly stimulated in female audience members. In the regarding photographs, there are always human fingers or hands and often also a fluffy towel involved:
Media Examples 7 (Fox News), 8 (CNN), 9 (The Telegraph)

That these symptoms of self-aggrandizement, through rescuing and caring for baby animals, are really those of an advanced stage of a severe psychosis can be best recognized when they escalate into collective mass hysteria. A bizarre example of this was the events that broke out in 2007 around a polar bear named Knut, born in Berlin Zoo in Germany. After his mother abandoned him, humans took over the role of caretakers. At first, two regional broadcasters picked up the touching story – and then suddenly it exploded. After a few weeks, during which almost all of Germany’s major mass media reported on Knut several times a day from early morning till late night, the hysteria finally spilled around the globe.
At the official presentation of Knut by German Environment Minister, Sigmar Gabriel, some 500 journalists traveled to Berlin from all over the globe, while the zoo was guarded by professional security firms day and night. Television stations in Japan reported live and some presenters had tears running down their cheeks. The audience of many millions, stirred by strong emotions, felt like a collective protector of the little, helpless bear – who was nothing but a tool for repression.
Because the concept of the polar bear cub was so successful and popular, it has been repeated every year in Germany and in other countries since then. The following example is from the most popular German mass media outlet, “Bild,” in 2017, ten years after Knut, with the headline: “Who is sweeter – Knut or Fritz?”:
Media Example 10 (

In parallel with the initial hysteria surrounding Knut in 2007, Germany – virtually unnoticed by the major mass media there – set out to achieve new historic records in important areas of the export of technologies and products related to industrial factory farming. In 2008, the country, which is, in fact, rather small, even became the second largest exporter of pork after the USA. Shortly thereafter, Germany became the world leader in pork export, while hiding tens of millions of pigs in windowless halls completely ignored by the mass media.
The example of Knut, thus, shows particularly clearly the extreme, complex and deep collective psychological interactions of the objective symptoms with the escalating perversion of industrialized factory farming.
The totality of the current symptoms corresponds to the final stages of psychosis
While not all the individual symptoms shown may indicate this on their own, their totality makes it clear that a closed psychosis is indeed present here and that it has already reached the final stage.
If one transfers the psychological mechanisms to an individual, then this would correspond to a severely ill psychopath who – while outside the springtime weather is most beautiful – strokes his worn teddy’s head with strong emotional affection, sitting in his old children’s room with the blinds lowered. Down in the cellar, his chained victims languish in their own feces. In the kitchen, a fire has broken out from the left-on stove top, which he can no longer perceive due to his disconnection from reality and which will destroy him and the entire house very soon.
The individual psychopath represents the whole of today’s humanity, the beautiful weather outside the reality of free nature, the blinds for its fading out, the teddy bear symbolizes the compensation objects as shown above, the victims in the cellar the equally crammed billions of animals in factory farming, the forgotten stove top the inability to live, and the fire the rolling destruction of the ecosystem and of its own existence.
The history of Europe, especially, shows clearly that the repression of the perversion of the enslavement of other living beings was the central factor in the shaping of the evolving artificial worldview. The collective of man sacrificed the clear perception of reality and subjected itself to various constructs that made it possible to keep its own perversion from the surface of consciousness. For this purpose, one narrowed the mental field of view so largely that almost only the human being remained visible, represented there as particularly “morally good” or even “godlike.” By this and, not least, by the additional artificial denigration of the non-human parts of reality, children were inflicted, with each new generation, with severe psychological mutilations and further damages, which create a collective psychosis. In the present time, this mental disease has escalated parallel to rapid developments within the industrial methods of the enslavement of other lifeforms. The situation of mankind today corresponds to that of a psychopath incapable of life in the final phase of his illness.
Media examples:
1) Jan. 19, 2021
2) Jan. 07 2021 Opinion: The world watches Washington with horror –
3) Jul. 10 2020
4) Jun. 03 2018
5) Dec. 31 2020
6) Jul. 27 2020
7) Aug. 08 2019
8) Sep. 26 2020
9) Jan. 06 2021
10) Feb. 01 2017